How to promote and advertise casino/slot games on Facebook, Google, Twitter, TikTok, and Line?

To develop a good operation plan for chess and card game apps, it is necessary to first have a comprehensive understanding of the nature of the game, market environment, product content, target users, operation and promotion methods, etc. Only by understanding the overall situation of the industry can a good operation and promotion plan for chess and card games be developed.


1、 Introduction to Chess and Card Game Products:
Chess and card games are a general term for board and card entertainment projects, including Chinese chess, Go, International Chess, Mongolian Chess, Gomoku, Checkers, International Checkers (included in the first World Intellectual Games), Military Chess, Bridge, Poker, Mahjong, and many other traditional or emerging entertainment projects. Chess and card mobile games, like traditional PC chess and card games, are also divided into board games, card games, mahjong (bone dice) games, and casual games in terms of gameplay. There are three main categories of chess and card mobile games: Landlords, Mahjong, and Texas Hold’em. Texas Hold’em comes from overseas and has a lower proportion than the first two.

How to promote and advertise casino/slot games on Facebook, Google, Twitter, TikTok, and Line?How to promote and advertise casino/slot games on Facebook, Google, Twitter, TikTok, and Line?

2、 Product attributes of chess and card game apps
1. Chess and card games, mainly mahjong and Landlord fighting.

2. It is commonly used in non WiFi environments.

3. More middle-aged and elderly people over 40 years old

4. Android system environment accounts for a large proportion

5. Lunch to evening is the peak period for recharging

6. User lifetime value higher than industry average value

7. 8-9pm on weekdays is the peak period

8. The population with higher education is relatively low

9. Common payment channels, with collection accounting for 30% -50%


3、 Advantages and disadvantages of product operation for chess and card game apps
1. Advantages of Chess and Card Game Apps:

Due to its inherent gambling nature, it has a high user stickiness and payment ability. In simple terms, having traffic can make money.

2. The disadvantages of chess and card game apps: Due to national policies and exclusive channel interconnection models, many chess and card products cannot obtain traffic on the Android app store, and even cannot be launched for a period of time.

4、 The way to break through the operation of chess and card games:
1. IOS has become a big cake that everyone is vying for. For example, brushing rankings, trending, ASO, hot searches, and so on. Apple treats all developers equally, and the App Store positions chess and card games as casino games. The default rule is not to promote chess and card games. We will not intervene in the ranking of system rankings (as there are instances of brushing rankings both domestically and internationally), and will take down infringing and non compliant mobile games.

2. Android provides non app store services such as point walls, push notifications, and more. In terms of Android pipeline (domestic), currently the larger pipeline platforms have their own chess and card mobile games, and there are not many recommended resources for other chess and card games. Generally speaking, after the CP of chess and card mobile games is promoted, it is necessary to rely on some relationships to obtain a small number of recommendations. During certain periods of strict crackdown, chess and card mobile games may also encounter notices such as delisting, renaming, and content modification.

5、 Promotion channels for chess and card game products:
1. Offline promotion: Enterprises with time and energy may try using offline promotion to gain users. This method is simple and crude, and users come relatively quickly.

2. Pay attention to effective keywords: For attracting high-quality iOS users, the importance of the App Store hot search list is self-evident, so we can pay attention to this approach when promoting. As for the research on effective keywords and covering them to gain user attention, popular search rankings, optimization of graphic and textual comments, and so on are all key areas that enterprises need to focus on.

3. Posting, currently the form of posting may not have a direct effect, but it is still useful.

4. Weibo and WeChat, these two major applications are essential. With such a large user base, doing them well can bring in many users.

5. Organizing events, especially in the offline circle (especially caring about maintaining old customers, giving props and gifts during festivals, and sending dolls by mail for those with high recharge), has also been cultivating.

6、 The Market Environment of Chess and Card Games
1. Location: Chess and mobile game companies mainly concentrate in three places: Shenzhen, Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and Beijing

2. Revenue: There are estimated to be around 100-300 companies with monthly revenue exceeding one million, of which only Boya is listed.

3. Pattern: Currently, there is a wide variety of chess and card mobile games, with varying levels of quality. Overall, traditional chess and card CPs still dominate the market, with game companies such as Tencent/Lianzhong/Boya/Pocheng having daily active Landlord products of over 3 million. However, there are also emerging mobile chess and card manufacturers that have a certain market share, such as online travel companies, Tongqu, Mingyou, etc. The monthly revenue of Doudi products is impressive, and some even exceed the product revenue of some traditional CP manufacturers.

4. Gameplay of overseas chess and card games: In terms of gameplay of overseas chess and card games, taking the United States as an example, most users prefer simplicity and there are more types of slot machines.

5. The internationalization of domestic chess and card games: There are two biggest obstacles for domestic chess and card games to enter overseas markets:

a、 Language and culture, due to differences in gameplay and preferences in different countries and regions, entering overseas markets requires understanding market positioning and user needs. Taking the United States as an example, there are more than 50 states in the United States, and the population distribution and wealth level of each state vary. This is something that must be understood before entering the market.

b、 Understanding the attributes of advertising platforms, different advertising platforms target different user groups. Overseas promotion is similar to domestic promotion, and there are also forms of point walls and advertising platforms.

6. Current situation of overseas games:

At present, whether it is the domestic Android channel or the iOS channel (foreign casinos are gambling games, although three states in the United States have obtained online gambling licenses, gambling is still not allowed in most states), they will not recommend and promote chess and card games. Especially since last year, when the Ministry of Culture criticized some mobile game platforms for illegally operating mobile games containing the words “casino”, “gold flower”, “shuttlecock”, “Mark Six” and other suspected gambling games, and demanded rectification within a specified period of time, domestic platforms have also become stricter in their product review of chess and card games.

Chess and card have a long history in China. The chess and card games based on the Internet era have gone through about 16 years. The development of the PC era has gone through several time points: Lianzhong in 1998, Tencent in 2003 and 2004, JJ (competitive chess and card games) in 2007, Bock City (leisure chess and card games) in 2009, and Boya in 2011. From these points, we can clearly see that there is no phenomenon of unifying the world. Whenever new gameplay or forms emerge, there will be a wave of changes.

7、 Product Operation Strategy for Chess and Card Games
The choice of operation mode depends on the specific type of product. If it is a nationwide product like Doudi, then a national operation and promotion plan should be formulated. Firstly, a large-scale pipeline should be laid, and then online or offline related activities should be held. If the product is a local card game, it is best to collaborate with local operators, pipeline portals, or platforms for joint promotion.

8、 How to explore the market of small and medium-sized mobile game chess and card CP
1. Hugging the thigh of the pipe, as everyone knows, there won’t be much to say here;

2. Taking the path of “surrounding cities from rural areas”, there are only a few types of gameplay for mobile games such as chess and card games. If it is difficult to compete with Landlords and Texas Hold’em, it is necessary to innovate. However, the problem of plagiarism in China has stifled this practice. Although the user base of some local chess and card games is small, the corresponding competitive pressure is low. It is possible to develop poker and mahjong chess and card games targeted at a certain region, and expand to surrounding areas after expanding.

3. Competition is a form of existence and development of board and card games, and in a sense, it is also a means of promotion and publicity. At the same time, board and card games are also a competition item of the Smart Games. In fact, at the end of last year, the Chess and Card Sports Management Center of the General Administration of Sport of China launched an online chess and card competition, which included three popular chess and card games: Go, Chess, and Landlord. At present, there is no clear distinction between online and offline activities in chess and card competitions. Chess and card competitions generally adopt the form of online auditions and offline competitions. Such as the annual WPT/Mahjong Tournament/Citizen Texas Hold’em Tournament, etc.

4. As a mature product promotion plan, the first thing we need to understand is the advantages of our own product, or in other words, differentiation. As a local chess and card app, the biggest difference from popular chess and card game products lies in cultural differences. For example, you may not be able to distinguish between Spanish and French, but you can definitely understand the differences between Mandarin and local language. The biggest advantage of local chess and card games is that local players have a natural sense of familiarity with the game.

5. How to promote local chess and card mobile game apps

a、 Search engine promotion

Advantages: Accurate user positioning and high quality.

Disadvantage: Limited local precise traffic, mixed traffic of generic words, and high price.

Because the product is a local chess and card game app, the traffic that search engines can bring is actually relatively limited and not a key promotion channel. However, users in third – and fourth tier cities may not have access to many online channels, so it is still necessary to promote product keywords. Just create a simple H5 download page.

b、 information flow

Advantages: High traffic, and with proper backend settings, users can be relatively precise.

Disadvantage: Some platforms may have limitations on promoting chess and card games.

The biggest difference between information flow and traditional network alliance advertising is that advertising is displayed on the channel provider’s own platform. There is no chaos in the era of network alliance advertising where webmasters click on website ads to earn advertising fees. For chess and card game apps, information flow advertising will be an important channel to bring you users. There are generally three billing methods: CPC, CPM, and CPT. The methods of advertising are also different. Some channels advertise based on keywords, while others advertise based on users’ interests. According to feedback from some operators, the effect is still good.

c、 Promotion of local official account

Advantages: User positioning is relatively accurate, and promotion costs are low

Disadvantage: Narrow user coverage and lack of market standards

Local official account have natural advantages in promoting local chess and card game APP, and there are a lot of them. If you search local keywords with Sogou’s WeChat, you can see the activity of official account and the reading amount of individual articles. You don’t even need to put in the effort to write such clever advertising slogans. The concept of “local chess and card games” can ignite the reposting on social media. The only drawback is that the user coverage is relatively narrow, and promotion channels require personal negotiation, without a unified market standard.

d、 Poster promotion (offline)

The players of local chess and card games are relatively concentrated, mainly distributed in internet cafes, residential areas, universities and other areas. The use of posters as a targeted promotion method can quickly and effectively push the game to potential players.

Cost: Low. The cost of one poster is about 1 yuan (large quantity is preferred), and an ordinary city needs about 2000 posters. Then, hire a few part-time students who work part-time to fully cover the above key areas in 3 days.

Advantages: The promotion method is simple and easy to operate, which can achieve precise targeting of the target market. If the content is supplemented with relevant promotions and competition activities, it can continue to influence the local population with a high exposure rate. Compared with other offline promotion methods, it has a higher cost-effectiveness.

Shortcoming: The effectiveness of promotion largely depends on the attractiveness of poster content and the level of graphic design.

E、 Promote internet cafe resources and regularly hold competitions and events (offline)

Although the development of the internet cafe industry has not been prosperous in recent years, internet cafes are still the main market for online games in second and third tier cities in China. If we can obtain cooperation and support from local internet cafe chains or several large internet cafes, and regularly hold game competitions such as Landlord Tournament, we can quickly attract a large number of high-quality players to the gaming platform ***** and increase its popularity.

Costs: including explicit costs such as personnel salaries and prize purchases, as well as implicit costs of negotiation and cooperation. Specific costs depend on individual abilities and resources. After gaining a certain influence in the competition, players can be charged a certain registration fee and prize sponsors can be introduced to further reduce promotion costs.

Advantage: Competitions are the most effective way to showcase the fun of gaming competition. Holding such an event is equivalent to a successful event marketing in the local area, which is a win-win situation for players, chess and card operators, and internet cafes. Periodic competitions can retain old players and develop new players for gaming platforms.

Shortcoming: Large scale, complex and difficult practical operation, and high requirements for personal operational ability.

F、 Point card sales (can be installed in newsstands and convenience stores) (offline)

Dianka was once the most popular promotion method for online games, widely found in internet cafes, newsstands, and convenience stores. Players could purchase it anytime and anywhere, which was very effective for promoting and profiting from the game.

Cost: relatively low. The production cost of cards is very low, usually only a few cents when the quantity is large, and the specific quantity depends on market demand.

Advantages: Low production cost, easy to carry, strong circulation, and convenient for players to purchase.

Shortcomings: Low exposure, insufficient promotion and advertising efforts, more suitable for the mature stage of the game.

G、 Collaborate with Computer City to directly install or burn game programs onto system installation disks (offline)

Every day, countless computers are sent to the computer city to reinstall their systems. If we can cooperate with the merchants in the computer city to burn game programs onto the system installation disk or install them directly, we can install games on users’ computers from upstream channels in one step.

Cost: Effect based payment. Pay based on the actual number of successful registrations or online time of the installed game.

Advantage: The game program can be installed directly on the user’s computer as the default game software, which is conducive to eliminating the user’s distrust of unfamiliar software, allowing users to consciously experience the game, and quickly cultivating player loyalty.

Shortcoming: Requires certain network resources and negotiation and cooperation skills.

H、 TV subtitle placement (offline)

Utilizing the power of traditional media to achieve large-scale promotion is the most common method, but high prices and aimless advertising will ultimately greatly reduce the effectiveness of promotion. For local chess and card game operators, TV subtitle advertising may be a compromise with a high cost-effectiveness ratio.

Cost: The price is relatively high and depends on the channel, program, and advertising time slot. For detailed costs, please consult the advertising department of the local television station.

Advantages: Wide geographical coverage, large audience reach, strong brand effect, able to quickly attract potential players’ attention in a short period of time. Especially in second and third tier cities in China, television media remains the main channel for local people to receive information, with high credibility.

Shortcoming: TV commercials are generally charged per second or word count, which is relatively more expensive compared to other promotional methods.

I、 Cooperate with local telecom operators to install broadband and provide game cards or use pop-up ads. (Online)

By collaborating with local network operators such as China Telecom and Tietong, users can control their internet access. Users can receive a certain face value game point card as a gift in the name of the network operator, gradually cultivating players’ gaming habits. Alternatively, pop-up ads can be used to directly promote information to each user’s personal computer.

Cost: Depending on the cooperation mode, there can be various forms such as shareholding sharing, monthly advertising, game point card activation rate payment, etc.

Advantages: Internet users generally have personal computers and fixed residences, spend more time online, and are more likely to accept online games, so the quality of this group of users is relatively high. Collaborating with telecommunications and other network operators to provide more targeted and efficient coverage for this group of people is beneficial for expanding high-quality players.

Shortcoming: Requires certain network resources and high costs.

J、 Advertising placement on local forums and portal websites (online)

Online advertising placement is currently the most common and mature promotion method, and it is also an essential long-term strategy. However, as it is a local chess and card game, the placement platform should focus on well-known local portal websites and forums, and maximize the promotion of relevant information to local netizens.

Cost: There are two methods: free and paid. The free methods mainly include self-service posting, soft article delivery, and advertising space exchange; The payment mainly includes hard advertising, prize writing, lottery and other related activities.

Advantages: Diverse forms, wide range of choices, wide coverage of people, controllable activity process and cost, suitable for long-term promotion to continuously influence local netizens.

9、 What data should be taken seriously when operating a mobile chess and card game app.
1. Number of users

Acquiring user numbers has always been the mission of a mobile chess and card game app. However, simply looking at the total number of users does not necessarily indicate a significant issue. The most important thing is to pay attention to the number of registered users and downloads, followed by the sources and channels through which these users obtain information. Generally, there are only a few, mainly through some application markets. A more obvious example is the user of Math Treasure, who can achieve an average of 150 downloads per day after being listed on several major application markets; Advertising is also a good method, such as placing product placements in the content or using popular articles to attract users to download and register mobile chess and card game apps. In terms of advertising, the launch page of the mobile chess and card game app can be used as an advertising page to achieve revenue for the operator. Additionally, interesting graphics related to the mobile chess and card game app can be set up to attract users and drive download and registration volumes.

2. Daily activity, weekly activity, and monthly activity

This is easy to understand. We mentioned the acquisition of user numbers above, but when users are attracted, whether to uninstall the app at a glance or attract them again through constant reminders, these are all situations that need to be considered, so we cannot just look at the number of users. Whether users are interested in the content of mobile chess and card game apps, whether they are target users, which content they have liked and commented on, and these data and user habits can be seen in the management backend. The simplest way is to observe users’ preferences based on their habits, and make a simple statistical analysis of which content is popular among users and which has a low click through rate. Users can even be divided into channels based on this, and after categorizing them, they can be directed to the channels they are interested in, which can better reflect their activity level. Generally speaking, on the Internet, seven days is a habit forming cycle. If you can keep the habit of clicking into mobile chess and card game APP for seven days, you can turn users into loyal users as long as you keep cultivating their habits.

3. Retention rate issue

After introducing users, it is inevitable to face the problem of user churn, which is a normal phenomenon, after all, some users are not their target user group. But this does serve as a warning for operators, who sometimes act like cleaners, clearing pipes, cleaning the roads that users pass through, and creating a clean, comfortable, and warm space. From the perspective of retention rate, it is possible to more clearly depict user profiles, some habits and preferences of users, summarize them, objectively view retention rate issues, and of course, if retention rate is abnormal, reflect on whether there is any problem with your recent content or user operations.

4. Profit issue

This is a very practical problem, as anyone who creates a mobile chess and card game app is motivated by the app’s profitability. And what are the business models for APP profitability? There are quite a few, in addition to the commonly known advertising expenses, the backend is well researched in terms of profitability. Key plugins that directly generate revenue for users. Merchants can list products on certain platforms, and users can also purchase the products they need here, achieving a commercial closed loop for user merchant operators; Of course, this alone is not enough. The most important thing for operation is to motivate users, so the wealth system uses points to reward users, which is a common trick. In this regard, a new approach has been played, where users can earn points by speaking or liking, but points can earn real prizes, directly stimulating user activity. In addition, daily check ins can increase user stickiness.

To operate a mobile chess and card game app well, it is not enough to just rely on these data. There are still many aspects to consider, such as the channels and effectiveness of app operation and promotion. The data and issues mentioned above can be considered as the basic data that cannot be bypassed when operating a mobile chess and card game app. Only by looking at the data can the operation be seen more clearly and objectively. We also hope that everyone can use these tools well to better serve the operation work.


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